591 to 600 of 823 Results
Tabular Data - 9.0 KB - 11 Variables, 137 Observations - UNF:6:iF4HOmjmEWubB4z4Cv+Vnw==
En la planilla "Repositorio datos observados-Aqua crop-Alfalfa Rafaela" se presentan varias solapas. La primera "Datos observados", son los valores promedios de biomasa aérea en cada período de corte que figura en la Red de cultivares de alfalfa y que fueron calibrados y validado... |
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MD5: 4cba3480ca01d60319b6c33481466e6c
Aminoacid sequences under study from Acinetobacter Ver3 |
Tabular Data - 476.9 KB - 64 Variables, 1362 Observations - UNF:6:3g/0qbdlPBYhkd0QTSBpSA==
FPR1 absorbance data as a function of NADP concentration (0-1)mM. Wavelength range 300-600 nm. |
Tabular Data - 465.8 KB - 62 Variables, 1353 Observations - UNF:6:C7vrAsVY94CO5Qy+HM2YcA==
FPR2 absorbance data as a function of NADP concentration (0-1)mM. Wavelength range 300-600 nm. |
Tabular Data - 18.2 KB - 22 Variables, 107 Observations - UNF:6:8/rcNpTvNQxDWdbYfWA6Sg==
Fluorescence intensities of FPR1 and FPR2. Excitation spectra between (400-500) nm, fixed emission wavelength 530 nm. Emission spectra between (490-600) nm, fixed excitation wavelength 450 nm. NADP concentration between ( 0-1) mM. |
Tabular Data - 2.2 KB - 13 Variables, 35 Observations - UNF:6:mNvmz5Lr9CQXD7iqyD5jJw==
Kinetic measurements of FPR1 and FPR2. Diaphorase activity with DCPIP and ferricianure as substrate. Cytochromo c reductase with FlavodoxinVer3 as substrate. |
Imagen JPEG - 750.4 KB -
MD5: c42ab0263ae51bc07dc819d8f51cfb43
Lanes: Soluble extracts from Ver3 cells corresponding to 20 μg (1-4) and 30 μg (7-10) of total soluble protein at DO600nm = 0.2, 0.4, 0.8 and 1.2, respectively. (5) 0.25 μg of purified FPR2ver3, (6) 0.65 μg of purified FPR1ver3. |
Imagen JPEG - 444.5 KB -
MD5: 99aba76e9c0ccc708601efebcbc72ee2
Lanes: (7) 0.25 μg of purified FPR2ver3, (6) 0.65 μg of purified FPR1ver3, (5-2) soluble extracts from Ver3 cells corresponding to 20 μg of total soluble protein at DO600nm = 0.2, 0.4, 0.8 and 1.2, respectively. |
Imagen JPEG - 96.7 KB -
MD5: a53e7b1a1c345628ec6c03beaae9cea6
Lanes: Inmunostaining of total protein extracts from untreated cells or challenged with 0.5 mM MV, 1 mM H2O2 or 900 J m-2 UV-B (5 μg; 1-4), (15 μg; 5-8), (30 μg; 9-12) anti-FPR1ver3. |
Imagen JPEG - 74.2 KB -
MD5: 34bb32ba4cf0ccc31585a107ec3d459c
Lanes: Inmunostaining of total protein extracts from untreated cells or challenged with 0.5 mM MV, 1 mM H2O2 or 900 J m-2 UV-B (5 μg; 1-4), (15 μg; 5-8), (30 μg; 9-12) anti-FPR2ver3. |