581 to 590 of 823 Results
Apr 24, 2024 -
Transcription levels of some genes involved in starch metabolism in ChlreSEX4 overexpressing algal lines
Tabular Data - 18.8 KB - 18 Variables, 103 Observations - UNF:6:bGlHIV4hObAsW7mDFL7Eiw==
The file displays tables with the relative expression for each studied gene in different algal lines (WT, 13, 24, and 48), with each gene shown in different colors.
The column "SAMPLE NAME" indicates which algal line is being analyzed.
The column "TARGET NAME" indicates which gen... |
Apr 24, 2024 -
Transcription levels of some genes involved in starch metabolism in ChlreSEX4 overexpressing algal lines
Plain Text - 9.8 KB -
MD5: 4681c7ce39772cf1830b9bc4474eb8d8
Mar 5, 2024 -
Supplementary data for: Amino Acids metabolism as drug target for anti-trypanosomatids drug discovery
Adobe PDF - 722.7 KB -
MD5: 788733193a5d1ccdd026eba20ae0e960
T cruzi growing curves: effect of the proline analogues on the proliferation of the epimastigote form of T. cruzi
Growth curves, dose response curves, and IC50s obtained for treatments of different strains of T. cruzi epimastigotes with variable concentrations of proline analogu... |
Mar 5, 2024 -
Supplementary data for: Amino Acids metabolism as drug target for anti-trypanosomatids drug discovery
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MD5: e0f70eccc60536aaffde8227ebd62605
Cell death experiments: cell death analysis for Trypanosoma cruzi epimastigotes.
Analysis of cell death and cell cycle arrest mechanisms on T. cruzi epimastigotes caused by treatment with proline analogues.
To analyse cell death mechanism, T. cruzi, strain CL14 epimastigotes (2... |
Mar 5, 2024 -
Supplementary data for: Amino Acids metabolism as drug target for anti-trypanosomatids drug discovery
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MD5: af9f6713537b5c3bb1a9edf1aa659f7c
Compounds characterization.
UV-vis characterization of the fluorescent proline analogue 1-NBD, as well as NMR spectral characterization of all final compounds.
Prediction of physicochemical properties of fluorescent analogues was performed using molinspiration platform (http://... |
Texto sin formato - 7.2 KB -
MD5: 6231551d8756bd5dfaf48555fd45341f
Archivo README de documetación |
Adobe PDF - 155.8 KB -
MD5: 6c3bbac38805b7a3a799b96dac78e238
Instrumento de recolección de datos. Cuestionario con 23 preguntas implementado en SurveyMonkey para relevar las actitudes, creencias e intenciones de los investigadores de UNR hacia compartir datos de investigación, así como identificar los factores que influyen en el uso de los... |
Adobe PDF - 84.4 KB -
MD5: cbf3d9d784813b87070ff64e50e248f5
Diccionario de datos para la encuesta “Datos de Investigación y Repositorios de Datos” en la UNR |
Valores separados por comas - 528.7 KB -
MD5: cac12e783a76a81d311d848be7031520
Respuestas al cuestionario “Datos de Investigación y Repositorios de Datos” en UNR en formato .CSV |
Tabular Data - 610.1 KB - 102 Variables, 412 Observations - UNF:6:61PpoZs8aUChOn27H/nvGg==
Archivo Excel con conversión automática a .tab. Consta de 2 pestañas. La primera tiene las respuestas al cuestionario “Datos de Investigación y Repositorios de Datos” en UNR y la segunda define las abreviaturas usadas para codificar las variables. |